April, Don't Delete Me!! (Although I have lost control of my own blog...)
Hello Again
Contrary to what my long absence suggests, I am not dead. As a matter of fact, just today I was thinking that I needed to get back on the blog train (drop it like it's hot). Much to my dismay, when I went back to my latest blog to check out the comments, there was a comment from someone I do not know. Now, the fact that the comment was from someone I don't know wasn't what dismayed(?) me. It was that that comment was just MOONLIGHTING to be a comment. It was actually (dun dun duh)(chromatic scale descending {which my music theory prof says equals [the sound of] death [in (bad) horror movies]}) an ADVERTISEMENT. [Whoa that sentence got all up in my grill with all its crazy brackets and whatnot. But I could feel {understand} it.] Now, I've come to the realization that I am somewhat of a control freak. I suppose the real thing that bothered me was not that there was advertising on my blog. I mean, that is kind of weird . . . I would never suggest advertising on my blog. But if the truth be told, I would probably be kind of honoured if someone felt my blog worthy of being advertised upon. The thing that bugged me was that I couldn't control the fact that there was (is!) advertising on my blog. As soon as I saw the unwanted ad on my blog (as a COMMENT! no less) I heard the BWA-HA-HA laugh of power in my head, felt the possessive MINE! mentality of a two-year old take over my actions, smiled menacingly to myself and promptly went to delete it. Now that was where the real (control) problem began. I added a comment of my own underneath the ad, and then deleted the ad, then went back to the post to make sure I was rid of it. Oddly, it was still there. Thinking I deleted my comment instead of the ad comment, I went back and deleted it again. Checked again . . . still there. Deleted it yet again and commented again. And it was then that I realized that not only could I NOT delete it from the post, but that I couldn't post a comment underneath it, either. Suddenly, it hit me: my post had been HI-JACKED! Now, I don't mean it in some fancy, technological way. I mean it in the same way myself and fellow Hermosa-ites mean it when a dinning lodge song gets hi-jacked: the thing (ie song/blog) being taken over by someone other than it's original owner (ie original song -starter/me) and being used for purposes other than those originally intended (ie to send a specific person(s) around the lodge/my own pointless ramblings). Don't worry: I have a plan. Although I do feel a certain sense of failure at my inability to control that which I created (with help). Wonder of the post: is that how parents feel on a regular basis? Re-thinking the whole parenthood thing . . .
I realized after I published this that I forgot to mention that when I got into the comments section of the blog in question, it looked as though I had deleted and commented successfully, adding to my theory that it was hi-jacked. It SEEMED as if I had control, but I did not. I realize this has little to no bearing on anything else the blog said but whatever.
Thanks for coming back, Ames. I wouldn't want to have to delete you, although I know that you are busy.
Please come visit soon anyway.
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