Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The End is Near

Hello Hello

Don't worry April. I haven't forgotten my agreement to once a month. I have yet to master that but I'm working on it. Monday marked the end of lectures! Woot woot! I have almost made it through my first semester of university. Only 9 (gulp) or less left to go. I have 3 exams on the 17th, 19th and 20th. This does not include a stupid english language proficiency exam I have to write tomorrow. Firstly, if I am able to do well on my written assignments, does that not indicate that I am proficient in English? Secondly, how would I graduate high school with a sub-par level of english? Let me say that it is cruel and unusual punishment to make us write an exam at 9:00 am on a Saturday morning . . . or at any time during a Saturday. Jerks. I am also getting really sick of working at Zellers. Anyone have any creative ideas for jobs that I'm qualified for? Come to think of it I don't have much else to say. Except that I really need to go see RENT. Woohoo. Oh wait I do have one more thing to say. I have finally decided on a program. Only problem is, I may not be able to get into it because I have no way of garuanteeing I will end up with a 75% in the class. It hardly seems fair that in something as subjective as english you'd be held to that. Truth is, now that I've got my heart set on a co-op program I don't know how I will afford my education without one. I have a back-up plan (taking a 3 or 4 year general degree in Sexuality, Marriage and the Family), but it likely does not allow me to get into teacher's college (which is an option I want to keep open). Any brilliant ideas on how to ace an english final (which, might I add, has 3, yes THREE essays in it)??



Blogger April said...

As someone who has four, yes four, university level English exams behind her, and as yet to fail a single English class, I have but one piece of advice: know your material beforehand. Sounds obvious and stupid, but it's true. You can BS your way through other exams because you've shown up to class enough times, but English professors always know whether you've done the readings. If you can make connections between the readings now (similarities and differences because all your questions will involve your ability to compare), then you can probably sufficiently adapt the question to suit the points of comparison you have already come up with. Short of that, memorize some passages. Makes you look smart.

As for employment, I understand that coal mining is a high paying, low skill job. It doesn't sound like fun, though. Become a celebrity assistant! Those people make tons! I think they do, anyway.

Ah, just go see "Rent" and cheer yourself up that way.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 11:01:00 a.m.  
Blogger Amy said...

Wow I totally never saw that comment before. I am just now catching up with all of this. But that was super advice. Fo sho. But God worked something out for me and I made it into English Co-op! Woot-woot! But you already knew that . . .

Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:29:00 a.m.  

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