Hey everyone
The saga in the journey to my further education continues. So, as some of you know, I finally made my decision to attend the Univesity of Waterloo in September for Honours General Arts with a possible co-op. It was sort of a tough call but I am excited and think that I made the right choice. So after you accept an offer of admission, the next bit is figuring out classes, funding, etc etc. So right now (as you guessed by the title of this blog (drop it like it's hot)) I am at the funding part. I think it sort of goes without saying that working at Zellers part time does not make you much in the way of money. Head office controls the number of hours you can work - and to make a long story short, one week I only had 8 hours of work. Besides that I've had some expenses, and when you don't have any school to attend you kind of go out for coffee with friends and go on vacations and visits and such and . . . well, basically I didn't save much money. I'll admit I didn't do too well with that and I should kept more money for school. But the past is past and I can't change it. So here I start at square one again. I applied for OSAP, which was long and tedious and annoying. You all probably know that. Anyway. Took like half an hour or more and had to bug my dad about his taxes and shit. Whatever. So I get to the end, and my estimate comes out at a whopping . . . $800. Which is fantastic . . . IF I can afford the other 2/3 of my education. Which, by the way, I can't. At least not entirely. I don't know why my estimate it so low and it's very distressing. I do NOT want to work for another year and have been looking so forward to university and all that good stuff and I pretty much want to cry. Or just not go if I can't afford it and stay in the Zellers stockroom forever and be a lifer. PLEASE GOD NO. Don't get me wrong, if working at Zellers is what you want for yourself there is nothing wrong with that. I am not trying to belittle or downplay those people. I work with them and love them and they are fantastic people who have families and lives and dreams like the rest of us. But it's not what I want for myself. Not forever. On top of regular tuition/books/etc fees, I will also need a way to get to and from Waterloo everyday. Which means a car, public transit, carpooling, or perhaps learning how to fly. So I call up the financial aid at UW, and they tell me to make a note on my signature pages if I haven't sent them in yet (which I haven't) and they will reasses me. Fine. Good. But then I begin to realize that maybe I should keep Guelph open as an option if I can't afford to get to and from UW. Of course I would not get any more OSAP but I would save on other costs. BUT - here's the kicker - Guelph STILL has not told me if I'm in or out. I even e-mailed them to see what was up with that. So I call admissions at Guelph, and I'm like, what's going on? They're all like, oh, well we are still waiting for documents from you. I'm like . . . ok . . . what documents? He's like, oh, well haven't you been checking your e-mails and web advisor for that information? I'm thinking yeah actually I do check my e-mail, but web advisor, WTF? He's all yeah well you should have been sent . . . you should have looked into . . . blah blah blah whatever. And it isn't so much what he's saying but that he's being a TOTAL ASSHOLE while saying it. (I'm sorry but there is no other thing to call him). Giving me attitude and being a jerk and just generally not being at all helpful. So it turns out this whole time they have been waiting for a letter from me about what I have been doing since finishing at EBC. Did they ever tell me this? MAIS . . . NON. I mean this letter really is no big deal but #1 why do they care when no other school does #2 why would they expect this letter without letting me know #3 would they not wonder when this document didn't arrive when I went to the effort of applying and #4 how did they expect me to figure this out when I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WEB ADVISOR IS?? These ppl are paid to help out the people who want to learn at their institution but they don't do DICK ALL to help. So I'll write you your freaking letter U of G. But I hate you right now. A lot. And you don't have to treat me like dog poop just because you are retarded. Next step was to call U of G student awards to figure out what else could be done. So I get YET ANOTHER complete ASS, actually even worse than the U of G guy, he doesn't lay off with the attitude and sassyness and made me feel stupid. Here is an overview of our convo.
Him:"Well, did you apply for an undergrad bursary?"
Me:"No . . . they told me I couldn't apply for those because I have already been to one year of college."
H:"No, that's just for scholarships. Fill out the form it's due today."
M:"Will the form get in in time?"
H:"Well, yeah, if you date it for today."
So I go to the site he tells me to, and it turns out that to fill out the form you need to have already recieved your OSAP (and we already know that I haven't even sent in the forms). Besides that, the form is 4 pages long and asks about what I'm doing in university. Again, WTF? Turns out that Jerk McJerkison is dead wrong and it's only due today if you're taking SPRING SEMESTER. Did I say I was at school right this minute? NOOO. I have till October 30th for the damn form, thank you very much. GEEZ. Firstly, get your facts straight, secondly QUIT BEING SUCH AN ASS. YOU ARE PAID TO HELP ME. SO DO IT. NICELY. WITHOUT making me feel like a total brainless idiot. I'm apologize for the anger and rage and curses in this entry but I am SO ANNOYED. All I want to do is get some education and NO ONE wants to make it easy for me AT ALL, by any stretch. Here's hoping I can still make it to university in the fall . . . or that by then I will still even WANT TO.