school again
Hello All
Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I have been back in school for nearly a month now. And I think I have finally decided on a major: English Co-op with a Sexuality, Marriage and the Family minor, plus I want to take Spanish all the way through. Woot. Right now I am taking Spanish, Children's Literature (through distance ed), Sociology, Psychology, and Parents and Children. It's good times but so crazy busy.
I don't know what it is lately, but I can't stop thinking about summer. Perhaps it's the unusually warm weather. Or the fact that I'd rather be on summer vacation then reading copious amounts of psychology and other text books. Of course, this summer will not be like a grade school where you get two months off to do nothing but play with the neighbourhood kids getting filthy and selling lemonade. Indeed, you do get 4 months off, but they must be spent working full time or OSAP will whoop you. So lately I've been looking for summer work. I have a friend who is having a baby that is due in June, so I had this idea. I have this notion that I'd like to work as a live in nanny, and if I can find a position in or around Ottawa I could also be there to give her a hand. So if anyone hears of such a job, let me know.
That's really all there is for me to say for now. Except that I spent all of last night feeling like crap and puking my guts out at 3:00 am. Yay for (possible) food poisoning.